CSEA Local 1000 and CSEA Local 332 Scholarships
CSEA offers several scholarships for High School Seniors entering in to college for 2020 Fall Semester.
Below is the link for CSEA Local 332 Scholarships.
Local 332 offers Three (3) $500.00 Scholarships to active Local 332 members children/Dependents
who are entering into college this fall.
Application must be post marked by April 28, 2020
CSEA Local 332 2020 Scholarship
Eligible dependents of our members are eligible to apply for scholarships through CSEA and AFSCME.
CSEA awards 24 $1,000 scholarships to our members’ eligible dependents annually, along with two $2,500 scholarships. AFSCME awards one $5,000 scholarship annually, along with 10, $2,000 scholarships, to eligible dependents of members. Other scholarships are also available through Union Plus, CSEA regions, locals and units and many AFSCME affiliates.

CSEA Scholarships
CSEA awards 24 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship and Thomas H. McDonough programs. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award.
Applications are available in mid-February from Unit and Local Presidents, and available for download on January 31. Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships. Application deadline is April 15.
PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised.
Winners of the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship are eligible to apply for the Thomas H. McDonough Scholarship. Applications are automatically mailed to eligible students in late August. For more information, call 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1341.
CSEA offers a special scholarship program, the J. J. Kelly Memorial Scholarship Fund, for children of members killed or totally disabled in the course of performing their public service duties, or who died while an active CSEA member. For more information on applying for this scholarship, contact CSEA at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1341. The application deadline is October 1.