Please be advised that CSEA has filed with OCA a class-action grievance regarding our 2 percent salary increase.  CSEA has demanded that we be paid the 2 percent increase negotiated and contained in Article 7 of the contract including retroactive amounts from April 1, 2020.  We fully expect to be successful.    We will update you when we have more information.




Another reminder that effective January 1, 2020, the new maximum benefit for the combined co-pay reimbursement is now $350, an increase from previous years.  You will also now be able to include charges for prescriptions that are less than your co-pay amount, prescription drugs that are not covered under your plan and brand name/generic differentials.  Your physician office visit co-pays now include any “out of pocket” charges as well.  UCS Retirees will now have the same combined co-pay benefit as the Full-time active employees.


Another additional benefit effective July 1, 2020, EBF Dental and Vision will be extended to dependent children up to age 26.  The EBF will no longer require dependent children over the age of 19 to be full-time college students in order to receive benefits.  That means, no more burdensome student proof documents will be required.


Step children are now eligible to receive benefits regardless of whether they are living with our members or not.


EBF has extended this coverage to dependent children under the age of 26 regardless of marital status.  A dependent who was previously married may now be eligible for EBF benefits again effective July 1, 2020.


Any dependent removed due to the prior guidelines, or those who may never have been added previously because they did not meet the prior requirements, are eligible to be added to the EBF effective July 1, 2020.


Any dependent who was eligible as of July 1, 2020, and already on file, will automatically stay covered until they turn 26.


PLEASE NOTE:  Reinstatements will not be automatic.  The EBF will require an updated Enrollment Form to either reactivate eligible dependents or to add newly eligible dependents.  You may access your EBF personal file through the Member Portal on their website, CSEA Employee Benefit Fund  The portal is easy to use and allows you to quickly review who is currently eligible and enroll those who are now eligible for this benefit upgrade.


We are so proud to be able to offer these enhancements.  This is just another example of your dues money working for your benefit.  It is a way to say thank you for remaining a union member and keeping our union robust, strong and healthy.


Be sure to check out all of your EBF Benefits including reimbursements.

Thank you and stay well!

From your executive team:

Nicole Ventresca-Cohen-President

Dawn Cota-1st Vice President
Brian Wilson-2nd Vice President
David Chambers-Secretary
Joseph Graziano-Treasurer