The unions representing UCS employees met with the Office of Court Administration this morning via Skype.  With the Governor’s 10% reduction to the Unified Court System’s budget for this current fiscal year resulting in a $300 million dollar shortfall,  OCA has been taking steps to make up for the shortfall and it was related today that of the $300 million shortfall, they have been successful in reducing it to $28 million.  OCA had proposed several options today to the unions some of which could possibly involve workforce reductions and/or an agreement on the 2 percent salary increase and retroactive monies. We are scheduled to have a follow-up meeting with the other court unions to discuss these proposals further on Monday, October 5th.  We are also scheduled to meet again with OCA in December to get further information on what the future may hold and any other progress on the shortfall.  As always, CSEA is committed to the best interest of our membership and as further information becomes available, we will share it with you.