

LOCAL DINNER MEETING – January 14th, 2025:

Local 334 will be holding a dinner meeting on January 14th, 2025. Please RSVP to:  Local dinner meetings are open to members from all counties within Local 334.  Vendors will be available at the times listed below.

Dinner Meeting will be at the following location:

Onondaga County, Syracuse, Tuesday January 14th, 2024, Daniella’s Fresh Seafood and Pasta House, 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13209- Enter at Gate 2


Submit your EBF reimbursement form once your combined co-pay amount for physician visits, labs/X-rays, other unreimbursed medical expenses, and prescription co-pays reaches $400. This applies to co-pays incurred on or after December 31st each year. Applications for 2024 reimbursement are accepted until March 31st, 2025.

Please refer to the attached guidelines for details on acceptable proof of co-pays, such as Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for physician co-pays and pharmacy printouts for prescription co-pays. If you have any questions, call 1-800-323-2732 or visit (9)

LIGHTS ON THE LAKE 2024 – We have a few tickets left

Lights on The Lake is New York’s premier drive-through holiday light show. Every year, our brothers and sisters from CSEA Local 834 proudly set up and maintain two miles of breathtaking displays for all to enjoy. Once again this year, CSEA Local 334 is offering our members complimentary passes to enjoy the display. To receive your pass, please RSVP to with your name, member number, and mailing address by December 16, 2024. Each member is eligible for one ticket, which can be used any night for a one-time entry. Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so get yours while they last!

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices

CSEA Recess training

During Court Recess for Unified Court System Employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit


In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit that allows employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit to participate remotely off-site in Union sponsored training during the court recess allowing employees to receive paid leave without charging leave accruals for the trainings.

Eligible employees can opt to participate in this benefit if their court is not in session. If your court is in session on these training dates, you will need to get supervisory approval to attend the training remotely off-site. Participants may register for one or both days.

During the 2024 recess, CSEA will be offering full day training on Friday, December 27, 2024, and Monday, December 30, 2024. Each training day will be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break. A list of the available trainings currently scheduled are at the bottom of this notification for your reference.

REGISTRATION OPENS on Friday, November 1, 2024. The CSEA bargaining unit employees who wish to take advantage of this unique benefit must register by close of business Friday, December 13, 2024.

Note: No exceptions will be made beyond this date.

CSEA members must register through the CSEA website: You will be required to sign in, then you may find and click on Court Recess Training.

Only CSEA non-members will be registered manually through the CSEA State Operations Department 518-257-1279.


Requirements / Ground Rules:

  • MUST participate for the full day (no partial day allowance).
  • MUST provide your UCS Kronos ID.
  • MUST provide a personal email address to participate.
  • MUST provide first and last name (i.e. John’s iPad will not be accepted and not counted as participating).
  • No sharing of a link is allowed. There will be unique identifiers attached. If a link is shared, credit for participation for all using the link will not be given.
  • No recording of the training is allowed.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Workshop Title:  New York State and Local Retirement System Overview and Refresher

Description: A Director from the New York State and Local Retirement System will discuss how your pension is calculated, how to file for retirement, death benefits and important post-retirement information.

9:00 am – 10:15 am, Jason Cooper, Presenter

Workshop Title: Drug & Alcohol Policies & Legal Weed

Description: A discussion of employer policies, what to look for, what is negotiable, and how the legalization of marijuana impacts them.

10:15 am – 11:30 am, Eric Wilke, Presenter

11:30 am – 12:15 pm – Lunch Break

Workshop Title: Privacy in the Workplace

Description: Employers are beginning to use cameras and video surveillance in the workplace more than ever before. This is done often to prevent theft or to monitor what employees are doing while on the clock. Sometimes the employer advises the union or employees that they are being watched, and other times it is done secretly. This workshop will update you on the latest rules that employers must follow when they decide to engage in the surveillance of their employees. Both private and public sector rules will be explored.

12:15 pm – 1:45 pm, Aaron Kaplan, Presenter

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm – Break

Workshop Title: Workplace Violence Prevention

Description: This class will review with the participants the primary requirements of the NYS Workplace Violence Prevention regulation, Part 800.6 of Title 12 of the NYS Codes of Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR 800.6) and will discuss how the regulation is currently being implemented by the Courts throughout the state, and will give the participants time to express any concerns about deficiencies in the implementation of the program at their work sites.

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Mark Stipano, Presenter

Monday, December 30, 2024

Workshop Title: Indoor Air Quality

Description: This training program will introduce the participants to the most common causes for Indoor Air Quality concerns, the building conditions that lead to them and possible solutions that members can present to management to resolve them in a labor management setting.

9:00 am – 11:00 am, Mark Stipano, Presenter

Workshop Title: The FMLA

Description: This workshop will give you a firm understanding of the Family and Medical Leave Act, what is covered, how it works, and what you should look for when representing your members. Serious health conditions, family members covered, military caregiver leave, parental leave, etc.

11:00 am – 12:15 pm, Scott Lieberman, Presenter

12:15 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch Break

Workshop Title: Social Media for Social Justice

Description: Social media can be a great tool to build our union and to keep in touch with family and friends. During this workshop, we will teach you the current state of the law and best practices so that your use of social media does not lead to discipline at work.

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Eric Wilke and Jennifer Zegarelli, Presenters

Workshop Title: An Overview of Member Benefits

Description: Saving the membership money and helping to make life better both on and off the job is important to CSEA. We have negotiated and secured valuable consumer savings and programs designed to do just that. In this session a representative from the Member Benefits Department will explain the variety of benefits and services offered to dues paying members and their family members.

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm, Jessica LaFountaine, Presenter

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Break

Workshop Title: Pearl Insurance Presentation

Workshop Description: Pearl Insurance is here to help safeguard yourself, your loved ones, and your assets from unforeseen surprises. Pearl will discuss products offered ranging from disability, group life insurance to home care recovery insurance.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Danielle Schoonmaker and Barbara Fields, Presenters

Should you have any questions, please contact State Operations at 518-257-1279



Workers in the Town of Seneca Falls are still fighting to establish their union. At the last town board meeting on November 5th, 2024, the Town Supervisor mentioned that the town and CSEA were close to agreeing on who can be part of the union. He expected an agreement by the end of the week (November 8th) and said the town would “welcome the union with open arms.”

However, the town has not reached an agreement with CSEA. They are resisting by disputing the inclusion of a key worker title and have resorted to union-busting tactics. These include illegally coercing workers to avoid joining the union, which violates the Taylor Law. Additionally, they have unjustly disciplined workers who checked in with colleagues who were allegedly coerced by management.

Let me be clear: When one of us is hurting, all of us are hurting.

Join me and other union members and activists from the CSEA Region at the Town of Seneca Falls Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd, at the Town of Seneca Falls Municipal Building, 130 Ovid St., Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Meet us in the parking lot at 5:40 PM. We stand in solidarity with the Town of Seneca Falls workers. Let’s show the town board the power of CSEA by holding them accountable for their union-busting tactics.


A special thank you to everyone who contributed funds or skills to prepare the delicious Thanksgiving meals and desserts for the homeless in our community. On Saturday, November 23, 2024, Members and Officers of Local 334 had the privilege of delivering these meals to St. Lucy’s Kitchen in Syracuse. All donations benefitted the We Rise Above the Streets Community Outreach Inc.

Please take a moment to read the attached letter from Local 334’s 2nd Vice President, Theresa West, who organized the collection of donations and personally cooked a significant portion of the food. This effort turned out to be quite an undertaking. We are grateful for the immense generosity of our Local membership and our sister Union, Local 834 (Onondaga County Public Service Employees).

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill


In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit that allows employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit to participate remotely off-site in Union sponsored training during the court recess allowing employees to receive paid leave without charging leave accruals for the trainings.  Eligible employees can opt to participate in this benefit if their court is not in session. If your court is in session on these training dates, you will need to get supervisory approval to attend the training remotely off-site. Participants may register for one or both days. During the 2024 recess, CSEA will be offering full day training on Friday, December 27, 2024, and Monday, December 30, 2024. Each training day will be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break.


Workshop Title: Social Media for Social Justice

Description: Social media can be a great tool to build our union and to keep in touch with family and friends. During this workshop, we will teach you the current state of the law and best practices so that your use of social media does not lead to discipline at work.

Workshop Title: Privacy in the Workplace

Description: Employers are beginning to use cameras and video surveillance in the workplace more than ever before. This is done often to prevent theft or to monitor what employees are doing while on the clock. Sometimes the employer advises the union or employees that they are being watched, and other times it is done secretly. This workshop will update you on the latest rules that employers

Workshop Title: The FMLA

Description: This workshop will give you a firm understanding of the Family and Medical Leave Act, what is covered, how it works, and what you should look for when representing your members. Serious health conditions, family members covered, military caregiver leave, parental leave, etc.

Workshop Title: Drug & Alcohol Policies & Legal Weed

Description: A discussion of employer policies, what to look for, what is negotiable, and how the legalization of marijuana impacts them.

 For all inquiries please contact State Operations at 518-257-1279

REGISTRATION OPENS on Friday, November 1, 2024. The CSEA bargaining unit employees who wish to take advantage of this unique benefit must register by close of business Friday, December 13, 2024.

Note: No exceptions will be made beyond this date.

CSEA members must register through the CSEA website: You will be required to sign in, then you may find and click on Court Recess Training.

*Only CSEA non-members will be registered manually through the CSEA State Operations Department by calling 518-257-1279.


This training is separate and apart from the Recess Virtual Training referenced above – Do not use the fillable registration form for these title specific trainings.

CSEA Judiciary Locals have arranged the winter recess Court Reporter training program again this year.  These trainings are for active CSEA members holding the title of Court Reporter. Members will be required to supply the following information with their RSVP: First Name, Last Name, Non-Work email address, CSEAID#, Work Location and which Class/Classes they would like to attend. If you do not know your CSEA ID# you can contact CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146 to obtain. Space is limited, please send an email to if interested prior to 12/2/24. Be advised, if you are scheduled to work during the dates of the classes, and your immediate supervisor cannot alter your schedule, you will not be able to attend. See the attached flyer for full details.


Please see the attached Productivity Enhancement Program election form. Note that the deadline for participation is December 9, 2024.


Lights on The Lake is New York’s premier drive-through holiday light show. Every year, our brothers and sisters from CSEA Local 834 proudly set up and maintain two miles of breathtaking displays for all to enjoy. Once again this year, CSEA Local 334 is offering our members complimentary passes to enjoy the display. To receive your pass, please RSVP to with your name, member number, and mailing address by December 16, 2024. Each member is eligible for one ticket, which can be used any night for a one-time entry. Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so get yours while they last!






My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



CSEA Judiciary Local 334 in collaboration with the Region 5 Community Outreach Committee, is excited to announce an amazing cause in the Syracuse area this Holiday season!  We Rise Above the Streets Community Outreach, Inc. (Home | East Syracuse NY | We Rise Above The Streets Recovery Outreach Inc) will be hosting their annual “Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless” on Saturday, November 23, 2024, providing a quality, homestyle Thanksgiving Dinner to individuals and families in our community.

In our efforts to contribute, we are seeking monetary donations and volunteers to help prepare Thanksgiving Dinner. Donations will be used to purchase turkeys as well as chicken and beef main dishes. And, of course, we wouldn’t forget those traditional homemade side dishes that everyone loves! For our first year of this initiative, our overall goal is 25-30 Turkeys as well as enough side dishes to complete each meal. As all food must be pre-cooked, we are also seeking members willing to dedicate their time and talents to cook a Thanksgiving meal that those experiencing homelessness will never forget. Please know that any way that you wish to contribute to this cause will be received with warmth and gratitude.

If you are willing to donate your time to food preparation, please contact Theresa West via email @ to coordinate supply drop-off and pick-up. Please advise if you are preparing food or if you are offering to cook food donated by other members for the event. Theresa will contact you with further information.

If you would like to get involved but don’t have the time, you may provide a financial donation here:

We understand this is a busy time of year for everyone. We truly appreciate all that you do to support our union and our community!

PLEASE NOTE – Any dessert donations, including cookie trays, pies, cupcakes and cakes are gladly accepted!  To arrange pick up prior to the event, please contact Theresa West via email:

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill


In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit that allows employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit to participate remotely off-site in Union sponsored training during the court recess allowing employees to receive paid leave without charging leave accruals for the trainings.  Eligible employees can opt to participate in this benefit if their court is not in session. If your court is in session on these training dates, you will need to get supervisory approval to attend the training remotely off-site. Participants may register for one or both days. During the 2024 recess, CSEA will be offering full day training on Friday, December 27, 2024, and Monday, December 30, 2024. Each training day will be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break.


Workshop Title: Social Media for Social Justice

Description: Social media can be a great tool to build our union and to keep in touch with family and friends. During this workshop, we will teach you the current state of the law and best practices so that your use of social media does not lead to discipline at work.

Workshop Title: Privacy in the Workplace

Description: Employers are beginning to use cameras and video surveillance in the workplace more than ever before. This is done often to prevent theft or to monitor what employees are doing while on the clock. Sometimes the employer advises the union or employees that they are being watched, and other times it is done secretly. This workshop will update you on the latest rules that employers

Workshop Title: The FMLA

Description: This workshop will give you a firm understanding of the Family and Medical Leave Act, what is covered, how it works, and what you should look for when representing your members. Serious health conditions, family members covered, military caregiver leave, parental leave, etc.

Workshop Title: Drug & Alcohol Policies & Legal Weed

Description: A discussion of employer policies, what to look for, what is negotiable, and how the legalization of marijuana impacts them.

 For all inquiries please contact State Operations at 518-257-1279

REGISTRATION OPENS on Friday, November 1, 2024. The CSEA bargaining unit employees who wish to take advantage of this unique benefit must register by close of business Friday, December 13, 2024.

Note: No exceptions will be made beyond this date.

CSEA members must register through the CSEA website: You will be required to sign in, then you may find and click on Court Recess Training.

*Only CSEA non-members will be registered manually through the CSEA State Operations Department by calling 518-257-1279.


This training is separate and apart from the Recess Virtual Training referenced above – Do not use the fillable registration form for these title specific trainings.

CSEA Judiciary Locals have arranged the winter recess Court Reporter training program again this year.  These trainings are for active CSEA members holding the title of Court Reporter. Members will be required to supply the following information with their RSVP: First Name, Last Name, Non-Work email address, CSEAID#, Work Location and which Class/Classes they would like to attend. If you do not know your CSEA ID# you can contact CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146 to obtain. Space is limited, please send an email to if interested prior to 12/2/24. Be advised, if you are scheduled to work during the dates of the classes, and your immediate supervisor cannot alter your schedule, you will not be able to attend. See the attached flyer for full details.

2024 court reporting training flyer


Lights on The Lake is New York’s premier drive-through holiday light show. Every year our brothers and sisters from CSEA Local 834 proudly setup and maintain two miles of breathtaking displays for all to enjoy.  Once again this year, CSEA Local 334 would like to offer our members complimentary passes to enjoy the display. We ask that you RSVP to and include your name, member # and mailing address by 12/16/24, one ticket per member please.  This year’s tickets will be good for one time use any night. Get yours while they are here, tickets are being distributed on a first come, first served basis.

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



*Moving forward notices will be sent from both and, all information can also be found on our website*

Election Day is upon us, and CSEA encourages all of our members to exercise your right to vote. Doing so is not only your opportunity to support your preferred candidates, but CSEA members voting is a prime opportunity to show the power of CSEA.

Each election, a goal of ours is to have a high member turnout at the ballot box. And every single year, CSEA members come out and vote at a significantly higher rate than that of the general public, firmly illustrating that CSEA members are informed voters who want to express their voice. This show of strength in our elections is CSEA flexing our power, a power which is noticed by politicians at each level of government.  This power can influence contracts. This power protects retirement security. This power improves working conditions.  This power can better the lives of CSEA members and their families.

On Election Day (November 5th), polls are open from 6:00 am – 9:00 pm.  For more information and a list of CSEA endorsed candidates, visit


Your Union, CSEA Judiciary Local 334, in collaboration with the Region 5 Community Outreach Committee, is excited to announce an amazing cause in the Syracuse area this Holiday season!  We Rise Above the Streets Community Outreach, Inc. (Home | East Syracuse NY | We Rise Above The Streets Recovery Outreach Inc) will be hosting their annual “Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless” on Saturday, November 23, 2024, providing a quality, homestyle Thanksgiving Dinner to individuals and families in our community.

In our efforts to contribute, we are seeking monetary donations and volunteers to help prepare Thanksgiving Dinner. Donations will be used to purchase turkeys as well as chicken and beef main dishes. And, of course, we wouldn’t forget those traditional homemade side dishes that everyone loves! For our first year of this initiative, our overall goal is 25-30 Turkeys as well as enough side dishes to complete each meal. As all food must be pre-cooked, we are also seeking members willing to dedicate their time and talents to cook a Thanksgiving meal that those experiencing homelessness will never forget. Please know that any way that you wish to contribute to this cause will be received with warmth and gratitude.

If you are willing to donate your time to food preparation, please contact Theresa West via email @ to coordinate supply drop-off and pick-up. Please advise if you are preparing food or if you are offering to cook food donated by other members for the event. Theresa will contact you with further information.

If you would like to get involved but don’t have the time, you may provide a financial donation here:

We understand this is a busy time of year for everyone. We truly appreciate all that you do to support our union and our community!

PLEASE NOTE – Any dessert donations, including cookie trays, pies, cupcakes and cakes are gladly accepted!  To arrange pick up prior to the event, please contact Theresa West via email:

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill


Workers in the Town of Seneca Falls have been facing delays from the Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor in recognizing their union so they can sit at the bargaining table and negotiate their first contract. The Town Board passed a Resolution (Vote 3 in favor, 2 opposed) in August to voluntarily recognize their union, yet these two board members failed to respond to the proposal for a fair process to recognize the workers’ CSEA union and forced them to file with the New York Public Employment Relations Board. The Town Supervisor and the Deputy Town Supervisor continue to introduce delays in this process and are wasting taxpayer’s money by paying high-priced attorneys to stand in the way.

These workers are at-will employees, and speaking up against a Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor who could fire them at any time for any reason takes TREMENDOUS COURAGE and STRENGTH! It is THEIR RIGHT TO ORGANIZE their union. Two town officials should not be standing in the way and wasting money on high-priced attorneys when it is something that is good for the town.

 The reason WE have the rights that we do is because workers like those in the Town of Seneca Falls had the courage to stand up and fight.

Join me and other CSEA union activists on ELECTION DAY (Tuesday, November 5th) to support these future CSEA members at The Town of Seneca Falls Board Meeting as they continue to stand up and fight for their right to organize their union. Meet at the Town of Seneca Falls Town Offices (130 Ovid St. Seneca Falls, NY 13148) at 5:45pm. We will show the Town Board our strength in our solidarity, and we will show these workers that they are not alone in their fight!

WEAR your CSEA SHIRT, if you have one. If you do not have one, CSEA Staff will have limited sizes available.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



*Moving forward notices will be sent from both and, all information can also be found on our website*



Your Union, CSEA Judiciary Local 334, in collaboration with the Region 5 Community Outreach Committee, is excited to announce an amazing cause in the Syracuse area this Holiday season!  We Rise Above the Streets Community Outreach, Inc. (Home | East Syracuse NY | We Rise Above The Streets Recovery Outreach Inc) will be hosting their annual “Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless” on Saturday, November 23, 2024, providing a quality, homestyle Thanksgiving Dinner to individuals and families in our community.

In our efforts to contribute, we are seeking monetary donations and volunteers to help prepare Thanksgiving Dinner. Donations will be used to purchase turkeys as well as chicken and beef main dishes. And, of course, we wouldn’t forget those traditional homemade side dishes that everyone loves! For our first year of this initiative, our overall goal is 25-30 Turkeys as well as enough side dishes to complete each meal. As all food must be pre-cooked, we are also seeking members willing to dedicate their time and talents to cook a Thanksgiving meal that those experiencing homelessness will never forget. Please know that any way that you wish to contribute to this cause will be received with warmth and gratitude.

If you are willing to donate your time to food preparation, please contact Theresa West via email @ to coordinate supply drop-off and pick-up. Please advise if you are preparing food or if you are offering to cook food donated by other members for the event. Theresa will contact you with further information.

If you would like to get involved but don’t have the time, you may provide a financial donation here:

We understand this is a busy time of year for everyone. We truly appreciate all that you do to support our union and our community!

PLEASE NOTE – Any dessert donations, including cookie trays, pies, cupcakes and cakes are gladly accepted!  To arrange pick up prior to the event, please contact Theresa West via email:

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill


Workers in the Town of Seneca Falls have been facing delays from the Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor in recognizing their union so they can sit at the bargaining table and negotiate their first contract. The Town Board passed a Resolution (Vote 3 in favor, 2 opposed) in August to voluntarily recognize their union, yet these two board members failed to respond to the proposal for a fair process to recognize the workers’ CSEA union and forced them to file with the New York Public Employment Relations Board. The Town Supervisor and the Deputy Town Supervisor continue to introduce delays in this process and are wasting taxpayer’s money by paying high-priced attorneys to stand in the way.

These workers are at-will employees, and speaking up against a Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor who could fire them at any time for any reason takes TREMENDOUS COURAGE and STRENGTH! It is THEIR RIGHT TO ORGANIZE their union. Two town officials should not be standing in the way and wasting money on high-priced attorneys when it is something that is good for the town.

 The reason WE have the rights that we do is because workers like those in the Town of Seneca Falls had the courage to stand up and fight.


Join me and other CSEA union activists on ELECTION DAY (Tuesday, November 5th) to support these future CSEA members at The Town of Seneca Falls Board Meeting as they continue to stand up and fight for their right to organize their union. Meet at the Town of Seneca Falls Town Offices (130 Ovid St. Seneca Falls, NY 13148) at 5:45pm. We will show the Town Board our strength in our solidarity, and we will show these workers that they are not alone in their fight!

WEAR your CSEA SHIRT, if you have one. If you do not have one, CSEA Staff will have limited sizes available.


If you submitted an affirmation for the comp time grievance and have not seen your time credited, not to worry.  OCA is still working through the hundreds of affirmations that CSEA submitted to them for confirmation.  Though we were hoping to see everyone’s time credited by the end of the Annual Leave/CT Exchange period, unfortunately, with the sheer volume of submissions, that has not happened.

If you have any questions related to your submission, please direct them to Lisa McNeil at CSEA Headquarters.  Ms. McNeil’s email address is as follows:  Please be patient for a response from Lisa as she is dealing with a large volume of inquiries.


The Local has received several inquiries regarding an update as to where the article 78 filing stands regarding the vaccine mandate of 2023. UCS has appealed the decision from NY County Supreme Court that granted PERB’s motion to dismiss UCS’ Article 78 challenge to the PERB decision. Generally, the state does get an automatic stay when it appeals, but even if there is no official stay of the PERB decision, the practical impact is the same. CSEA does not expect a decision from the First Department until next summer at the earliest. The appeal has not yet been perfected much less briefed or argued.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



Due to circumstances beyond our control we will be unable to hold our informational dinner meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 24th at The Lobster House in Norwood, NY. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to rescheduling in the near future.


If you submitted an affirmation for the comp time grievance and have not seen your time credited, not to worry.  OCA is still working through the hundreds of affirmations that CSEA submitted to them for confirmation.  Though we were hoping to see everyone’s time credited by the end of the Annual Leave/CT Exchange period, unfortunately, with the sheer volume of submissions, that has not happened.  If you have any questions related to your submission, please direct them to Lisa McNeil at CSEA Headquarters.  Ms. McNeil’s email address is as follows:  Please be patient for a response from Lisa as she is dealing with a large volume of inquiries.


The Local has received several inquiries regarding an update as to where the article 78 filing stands regarding the vaccine mandate of 2023. UCS has appealed the decision from NY County Supreme Court that granted PERB’s motion to dismiss UCS’ Article 78 challenge to the PERB decision. Generally, the state does get an automatic stay when it appeals, but even if there is no official stay of the PERB decision, the practical impact is the same. CSEA does not expect a decision from the First Department until next summer at the earliest. The appeal has not yet been perfected much less briefed or argued.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



We will be holding an informational dinner meeting on Thursday, October 24th ,The Lobster House, 95 South Main St., Norwood, NY 13668.  The meeting is open to ALL members of the Local (from any county).  Non-members are not permitted to attend.  Please RSVP to Marie Schmidt at by Thursday, October 17th.  Vendors have been invited to attend and will be available from 5:00 – 6:00, meeting to start at 6:15.


To all Local 334 Members, A supermajority of workers at the Town of Seneca Falls have signed CSEA membership cards and are organizing to join CSEA!

Worker leaders informed the town supervisor that they are forming their CSEA unit. They requested that their unit be recognized voluntarily by the town board, the Town Board then voted three to two in support. Since then the Town Supervisor and Town Attorney have made it known that their intent is to not honor the resolution passed – which is leading to unnecessary delays in being able to sit at the bargaining table to negotiate for better working conditions, fair wages, and enhanced benefits. Join me and our Union Brothers and Sisters at the Town of Seneca Falls board meeting on Tuesday, October 1st at 5:40pm to stand in solidarity with these organizing workers. We will encourage the town supervisor to recognize their Union and the resolution as town workers make their voices heard.

**The town board meeting will take place at the Town of Seneca Falls Municipal Building, 130 Ovid Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148.**

Together, let’s show the town board that these future CSEA members are not alone!


If you submitted an affirmation for the comp time grievance and have not seen your time credited, not to worry.  OCA is still working through the hundreds of affirmations that CSEA submitted to them for confirmation.  Though we were hoping to see everyone’s time credited by the end of the Annual Leave/CT Exchange period, unfortunately, with the sheer volume of submissions, that has not happened.

If you have any questions related to your submission, please direct them to Lisa McNeil at CSEA Headquarters.  Ms. McNeil’s email address is as follows:  Please be patient for a response from Lisa as she is dealing with a large volume of inquiries.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



The Local is in the process of coordinating a multi local training opportunity for those interested in getting involved as a Union activist. If this is something you have considered please contact the Local by emailing for more information.


Our Local and Region have a number of upcoming events.  See the attached flyer for each event for complete information:

  • Enchanted Forest Water Safari, Saturday August 24th, 2024. Old Forge, NY **See Flyer for additional information AND registration form**
    • Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back!
    • Admission includes entrance to the park, all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30), and dinner (4:00-5:00).
    • It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today!
    • If you are unable to join us, we have a discount code. simply use EFWS1011 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2024.
    • Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $57.99, children 3-7 pay $36.00, and children 2 and under are free.
    • Reservations will be due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by August 3rd, 2024
    • Water Safari 2024 – Local 334


  • Syracuse Area: CSEA Multi-Local Clam Bake, Saturday, September 7 th. The Spinning wheel. 7384 Thompson Rd, North Syracuse, NY 13212** See Flyer for additional information AND registration form**
    • Combined event with CNY Locals 013 and 414
    • There will be a short membership meeting at 6:15. (Look for the Judiciary Local 334 banner)
    • Tickets will be mailed to your home address.
    • Reservations will be due for the Syracuse area Clam Bake no later than August 23rd, 2024
    • Syracuse Area Clam Bake flyer_RSVP


  • CSEA Night at the Utica Zoo. Thursday, August 22nd. 1 Utica Zoo Way, Utica, NY 13501** See Flyer for additional information AND registration form**
    • Combined event with Oneida County Locals
    • There will be a short membership meeting at 5:15. (Look for the Judiciary Local 334 banner)
    • Tickets include entrance to the Zoo and food by Kookies
    • Tickets will be mailed to your home address
    • Reservations will be due for CSEA Night at the Utica Zoo no later than August 9th,  2024.
    • CSEA night at the Utica Zoo flyer_RSVP
    • Questions contact


On July 3rd CSEA Local Presidents met with OCA regarding ongoing negotiations surrounding a pilot telecommuting policy.  Although there are still a few issues to address, we hope be able to finalize the policy and announce the details in the very near future.  The goal of both parties is to have its implementation by the end of summer. Once the policy is finalized, the details will be sent out to the membership.

CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


The annual leave/comp time exchange program is another example of a benefit that CSEA was able to gain in our last round of contract negotiations.  Employees will once again be able to take advantage of this program.  Information was sent out to all employees this week via email from OCA along with the application form which needs to be completed.  Please be advised that the form needs to be completed and submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 28th.  We hope our members take advantage of this benefit, especially in light of the comp time grievance that was settled after many months of negotiation with OCA.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Member Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be re-subscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



The Local 334 Scholarship Committee awarded academic and financial assistance scholarships to graduating seniors, whose parents are employed by the Unified Court System and CSEA members in good standing.  Please see the attached notice from the Local with a description of each student.  The Lt. Michael Carraway Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of retired Judiciary Local 334 President, Sharon Carraways husband and Father of Local 334 Member/Scholarship Committee member Natalie Carraway.  Lt. Carraway was a Utica Police Lieutenant and Union activist who passed unexpectedly in 1994.

2024 Scholarship Press release edit


Our Local and Region have a number of upcoming events.  See the attached flyer for each event for complete information:

  • Binghamton Area: CSEA Multi-Local Clam Bake, Saturday, July 13th. Mountain Top Grove. 539 Hance Rd., Binghamton, NY ** See Flyer for additional information AND registration form**
    • Combined event with Southern Tier Locals 002, 804, 441, 866
    • There will be a short membership meeting at 12:15.
    • See flyer for ticket pricing
    • Reservation deadline extended to June 28th
    • Tickets will be mailed to your home address
    • 2024 CSEA SoutherntierLocals Clam Bake
  • Enchanted Forest Water Safari, Saturday August 24th, 2024. Old Forge, NY **See Flyer for additional information AND registration form**
    • Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back!
    • Reservations will be due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by August 3rd, 2024
    • Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $57.99, children 3-7 pay $36.00, and children 2 and under are free.
    • Admission includes entrance to the park, all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30), and dinner (4:00-5:00).
    • It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today!
    • If you are unable to join us, we have a discount code. simply use EFWS1011 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2024.
    • Water Safari 2024 – Local 334
  • Syracuse Area: CSEA Multi- Local Clam Bake, Saturday, September 7th. The Spinning Wheel.
    • Save the date! (Time is to be announced)
    • More details to follow.


  • Due to low member turnout we have decided to cancel the Local 334 Summer Bash, Sunday, June 30th at Sharkey’s in Liverpool, NY; 7240 Oswego Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090. We apologize for any inconvenience


The Local is in the process of coordinating a multi local training opportunity for those interested in getting involved as a Union activist. If this is something you have considered lease contact the Local by emailing for more information.


CSEA Local Presidents along with CSEA Deputy Director of State Operations met with the OCA Labor Relations Director and her staff in NYC on Tuesday, June 18th to continue talks on a telecommuting pilot policy. It was another productive meeting with both sides in agreement on several aspects of the policy.   Both sides also agreed that implementing this policy as soon as practicable is a priority, therefore we scheduled our next meeting for July 3rd.   We are hoping to be able to share more details after that meeting. We thank you for your continued patience as we work together to bring our members the best pilot program we can.


CSEA WEEKEND will be Labor Day Weekend 2024, which is also the Yankees UNION WEEKEND. CSEA’s package has significantly discounted seats with a wide range of seating options.

Plus, $5 will be donated to Special Olympics New York!


CHOOSE any of the 3 games below!

  • Friday, 8/30 – NYY vs. STL (7:05pm)
  • Saturday, 8/31 – NYY vs. STL (1:05pm)
  • Sunday, 9/1 – NYY vs. STL (1:35pm)

By following the link below, you will have the choice of 4 different seating options for each game. **Pricing below includes the CSEA cap.**

  • Field Level, 1B/3B Line – $100 per ticket
  • Field Level, Outfield – $75 per ticket
  • Second Level, Outfield – $65 per ticket
  • Third/Fourth Level – $50 per ticket

Using the link below, select one of the 3 games offered and choose your seating option.  Click on “SEATMAP” to see the view from the section.

Use this link to purchase tickets and confirm your order:
Questions? Contact Tommy Sweeney at


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices


© 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE