Welfare Fund Benefit

(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Administration) The portal to apply for the negotiated UCS Welfare Fund Benefit was closed as of March 15, 2018 at 5 p.m. The information is being processed for payment and checks will be sent out within four to six weeks....

Updated Cancer Screening Policy

(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Administration, March 19, 2018) CSEA recently received new Cancer Screening Policy language from OCA (see below). In addition to the information provided, please note that the Cancer Screening Leave must be pre-approved and...

2018 Scholarship Announcement

2018 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Please submit a completed application for your graduating High School Senior. The criteria considered for these scholarships is academic and personal achievement as well as the essay submitted....