Your Vote is Your Voice. Don’t toss that blue envelope!

On January 22, the American Arbitration Association will mail out ballots for our CSEA elections to the homes of all eligible union members. Please watch for yours!

This is your opportunity as a member to vote for your Statewide Officers and, where there are contested races, Region Officers, Board of Directors seats and delegates to the AFSCME International Convention. To review those running for election, please see the December edition of the CSEA workforce newspaper at

When you receive your secret ballot, please take the time to fill it out and return it according to the instructions printed on the back of the ballot. Note: you will NOT need to supply your membership ID number in order to vote. Ballots are due back by February 13. CSEA will announce the successful candidates online at and in the March edition of the Work Force.

Please take the time to be involved in our union by making your voice heard and your vote count!