During Court Recess for Unified Court System Employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit


In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit that allows employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit to participate remotely off-site in Union sponsored training during the court recess allowing employees to receive paid leave without charging leave accruals for the trainings.

Eligible employees can opt to participate in this benefit if their court is not in session. If your court is in session on these training dates, you will need to get supervisory approval to attend the training remotely off-site. Participants may register for one or both days.

During the 2024 recess, CSEA will be offering full day training on Friday, December 27, 2024, and Monday, December 30, 2024. Each training day will be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break. A list of the available trainings currently scheduled are at the bottom of this notification for your reference.

REGISTRATION OPENS on Friday, November 1, 2024. The CSEA bargaining unit employees who wish to take advantage of this unique benefit must register by close of business Friday, December 13, 2024.

Note: No exceptions will be made beyond this date.

CSEA members must register through the CSEA website: You will be required to sign in, then you may find and click on Court Recess Training.

Only CSEA non-members will be registered manually through the CSEA State Operations Department 518-257-1279.


Requirements / Ground Rules:

  • MUST participate for the full day (no partial day allowance).
  • MUST provide your UCS Kronos ID.
  • MUST provide a personal email address to participate.
  • MUST provide first and last name (i.e. John’s iPad will not be accepted and not counted as participating).
  • No sharing of a link is allowed. There will be unique identifiers attached. If a link is shared, credit for participation for all using the link will not be given.
  • No recording of the training is allowed.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Workshop Title:  New York State and Local Retirement System Overview and Refresher

Description: A Director from the New York State and Local Retirement System will discuss how your pension is calculated, how to file for retirement, death benefits and important post-retirement information.

9:00 am – 10:15 am, Jason Cooper, Presenter

Workshop Title: Drug & Alcohol Policies & Legal Weed

Description: A discussion of employer policies, what to look for, what is negotiable, and how the legalization of marijuana impacts them.

10:15 am – 11:30 am, Eric Wilke, Presenter

11:30 am – 12:15 pm – Lunch Break

Workshop Title: Privacy in the Workplace

Description: Employers are beginning to use cameras and video surveillance in the workplace more than ever before. This is done often to prevent theft or to monitor what employees are doing while on the clock. Sometimes the employer advises the union or employees that they are being watched, and other times it is done secretly. This workshop will update you on the latest rules that employers must follow when they decide to engage in the surveillance of their employees. Both private and public sector rules will be explored.

12:15 pm – 1:45 pm, Aaron Kaplan, Presenter

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm – Break

Workshop Title: Workplace Violence Prevention

Description: This class will review with the participants the primary requirements of the NYS Workplace Violence Prevention regulation, Part 800.6 of Title 12 of the NYS Codes of Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR 800.6) and will discuss how the regulation is currently being implemented by the Courts throughout the state, and will give the participants time to express any concerns about deficiencies in the implementation of the program at their work sites.

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Mark Stipano, Presenter

Monday, December 30, 2024

Workshop Title: Indoor Air Quality

Description: This training program will introduce the participants to the most common causes for Indoor Air Quality concerns, the building conditions that lead to them and possible solutions that members can present to management to resolve them in a labor management setting.

9:00 am – 11:00 am, Mark Stipano, Presenter

Workshop Title: The FMLA

Description: This workshop will give you a firm understanding of the Family and Medical Leave Act, what is covered, how it works, and what you should look for when representing your members. Serious health conditions, family members covered, military caregiver leave, parental leave, etc.

11:00 am – 12:15 pm, Scott Lieberman, Presenter

12:15 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch Break

Workshop Title: Social Media for Social Justice

Description: Social media can be a great tool to build our union and to keep in touch with family and friends. During this workshop, we will teach you the current state of the law and best practices so that your use of social media does not lead to discipline at work.

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Eric Wilke and Jennifer Zegarelli, Presenters

Workshop Title: An Overview of Member Benefits

Description: Saving the membership money and helping to make life better both on and off the job is important to CSEA. We have negotiated and secured valuable consumer savings and programs designed to do just that. In this session a representative from the Member Benefits Department will explain the variety of benefits and services offered to dues paying members and their family members.

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm, Jessica LaFountaine, Presenter

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Break

Workshop Title: Pearl Insurance Presentation

Workshop Description: Pearl Insurance is here to help safeguard yourself, your loved ones, and your assets from unforeseen surprises. Pearl will discuss products offered ranging from disability, group life insurance to home care recovery insurance.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Danielle Schoonmaker and Barbara Fields, Presenters

Should you have any questions, please contact State Operations at 518-257-1279