
LOCAL NOTICES *Moving forward notices will be sent from both ian@csealocal334.com and cseajudiciarylocal334.com, all information can also be found on our website www.cseajudiciary.org*   COMMUNITY OUTREACH Your Union, CSEA Judiciary Local 334, in collaboration...


FRANKLIN/ST. LAWRENCE DINNER MEETING – Cancelled Due to circumstances beyond our control we will be unable to hold our informational dinner meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 24th at The Lobster House in Norwood, NY. We apologize for the inconvenience and...


FRANKLIN/ST. LAWRENCE DINNER MEETING – We will be holding an informational dinner meeting on Thursday, October 24th ,The Lobster House, 95 South Main St., Norwood, NY 13668.  The meeting is open to ALL members of the Local (from any county).  Non-members are not...


GRIEVANCE REPRESENTATIVE TRAINING – Final Notice The Local is in the process of coordinating a multi local training opportunity for those interested in getting involved as a Union activist. If this is something you have considered please contact the Local by emailing...


LOCAL 334 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Local 334 Scholarship Committee awarded academic and financial assistance scholarships to graduating seniors, whose parents are employed by the Unified Court System and CSEA members in good standing.  Please see the attached notice...