Due to circumstances beyond our control we will be unable to hold our informational dinner meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 24th at The Lobster House in Norwood, NY. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to rescheduling in the near future.


If you submitted an affirmation for the comp time grievance and have not seen your time credited, not to worry.  OCA is still working through the hundreds of affirmations that CSEA submitted to them for confirmation.  Though we were hoping to see everyone’s time credited by the end of the Annual Leave/CT Exchange period, unfortunately, with the sheer volume of submissions, that has not happened.  If you have any questions related to your submission, please direct them to Lisa McNeil at CSEA Headquarters.  Ms. McNeil’s email address is as follows:  Please be patient for a response from Lisa as she is dealing with a large volume of inquiries.


The Local has received several inquiries regarding an update as to where the article 78 filing stands regarding the vaccine mandate of 2023. UCS has appealed the decision from NY County Supreme Court that granted PERB’s motion to dismiss UCS’ Article 78 challenge to the PERB decision. Generally, the state does get an automatic stay when it appeals, but even if there is no official stay of the PERB decision, the practical impact is the same. CSEA does not expect a decision from the First Department until next summer at the earliest. The appeal has not yet been perfected much less briefed or argued.


Signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local. Greater numbers give us a much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Your help is appreciated in talking to your co-workers who may not be signed up as a CSEA member.


Unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails! Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of them! Make sure you don’t miss out on important information. If you have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please email for assistance.


Please make sure that CSEA has your updated home address on file, especially if you have moved recently. If you are on the My CSEA app, you can check to make sure your address is current by going on the app and clicking the icon on the bottom that says “account”.  There you will find your home address that is on file.

You can also check at the website.  Go to “Select Application” on the top right, scroll down to “My CSEA Account” and then once your information is displayed, you can hit “Make Changes” if applicable.

You can also change your address by calling CSEA at 1.800.342.4146.


Receivers of these notices should be diligent about distributing amongst their co-workers, posting on Union boards where available and in general sharing the news of their Union.

However, it is incumbent upon all of us to be our own best advocate.

You can educate yourself and “stay in the know” by following the link to our website at the top of this notice as well as downloading the CSEA app (follow the links below) in order to have all of your information at your fingertips.

In order to guarantee you receive correspondence from your Union, the local executive board strongly encourages you to contact CSEA member solutions to update your mailing addresses as well as your email and phone contacts. CSEA members can do so by calling 1-800-342-4146 or by logging on here:

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices