

PERB – Vaccination Mandate Clarification

As you know, CSEA filed an improper practice against OCA for failure to negotiate the COVID policies that were eventually implemented. As you will see from the attached decision, CSEA was partially successful. CSEA Local Presidents across the State are in the process of contacting current and/or former employees who were involved in the PERB case. Our intention is to obtain an accounting of relief sought from UCS from each employee affected. These costs can include but are not limited to costs incurred due to continual testing, transportation and charged accruals associated with continuing to test, which amassed while awaiting exemption approval, and leave that you charged prior to being terminated.   Since the Board decision takes reinstatement out of the equation, there would likely be no award of damages associated with being terminated.

It has been our contention that the exemption process should have been negotiated by UCS, and as PERB held, all unfavorable decisions flowing from that process should be declared null and void, and that is part of the relief we will be seeking if and when we prevail in the Article 78.

There is a “make whole” remedy that PERB has ordered. If you feel that you could be owed any time, copay expenses, etc., you should let your Local President know as soon as possible. UCS has filed an Article 78 challenging the Board decision, therefore the deadline to submit your information has been extended to January 31st, 2024.

Please provide the following to your Local President:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Work location
  • Whether reinstated by UCS earlier this year if previously terminated

Furthermore we will need specifics regarding any relief you are seeking. Including specific dates If seeking back pay, or restoration of leave accruals and which leave you were forced to charge.

Please DO NOT  send this info directly to CSEA State Operations or CSEA Legal.

See below for more information on what we can hope to be “made whole” on:

Anyone who incurred costs or charged accruals for either testing or getting vaccinated must provide explanations and proofs including what the cost was and why it was incurred (e.g. mileage to and from testing/vaccine site, time off in excess of the one hour given by UCS, etc.) and the date(s);

For employees who separated, either voluntarily or not, and were later reinstated, or for those who were absent without authorization or charged accruals while awaiting notification of acceptance of religious/medical exemptions after the Vaccine Policy was implemented, s/he may be entitled to back pay/accruals and benefits until terminated or came back to work after getting vaccinated, so s/he must provide the dates, whether charged to accruals, and if so which ones.

Also, if you have had an “unfit” memo put in your personal history folder, please note that in your response to me as well.

The proof that would be acceptable to send to would include Kronos records (if you were forced to stay out of the office due to being deemed unfit and were charged accruals or if you were on a FMLA leave related to having to be vaccinated), copay receipts, copies of unfit memos, etc. I will then submit your information to the CSEA attorneys involved for them to go through and see what would be submittable.

Your submission does not guarantee that you will be granted your request, but CSEA will seek to get all affected members made whole to the full extent of the Decision’s requirements.

Please share with any others that you know, who may have been affected by these policies in a negative way.

All information must only be sent to

You must put in the subject line “Vaccination Mandate”

Please put an email address(non-work) & Phone Number in email for contact.

U-38081, U-38084, etc BD SK

PERB Mandate

PERB Vaccination Mandate Decision

CSEA filed an improper practice suit against OCA for not negotiating COVID policies that were eventually implemented. As you will see from the decision, we were successful in having PERB agree with us for the most part.

There is a “make whole” remedy that PERB has ordered which is the reason for this email. If you feel that you could be owed any time, copay expenses, etc., you should let me know as soon as possible. The deadline to submit your information will be Friday, December 22nd.

See below for more information on what we can hope to be “made whole” on:

Anyone who incurred costs or charged accruals for either testing or getting vaccinated must provide explanations and proofs including what the cost was and why it was incurred (e.g. mileage to and from testing/vaccine site, time off in excess of the one hour given by UCS, etc.) and the date(s);

For employees who separated, either voluntarily or not, and were later reinstated, or for those who were absent without authorization or charged accruals while awaiting notification of acceptance of religious/medical exemptions after the Vaccine Policy was implemented, s/he may be entitled to back pay/accruals and benefits until terminated or came back to work after getting vaccinated, so s/he must provide the dates, whether charged to accruals, and if so which ones.

Also, if you have had an “unfit” memo put in your personal history folder, please note that in your response to me as well.

The proof that would be acceptable to send to me would include Kronos records (if you were forced to stay out of the office due to being deemed unfit and were charged accruals or if you were on a FMLA leave related to having to be vaccinated), copay receipts, copies of unfit memos, etc. I will then submit your information to the CSEA attorneys involved in order to see what is able to be submitted.

Your submission does not guarantee that you will be granted your request, but CSEA will definitely seek to get all affected members made whole to the full extent of the Decision’s requirements.

OCA would have 30 days from the date of the decision to appeal. We want to have all of our members’ information ready to be submitted in the case they do not appeal.

Please share with any others that you know may have been affected by these policies in a negative way.

All information must only be sent to

You must put in the subject line “Vaccination Mandate”

Please put an email address(non-work) & Phone Number in email for contact.

U-38081, U-38084, etc BD SK



Judiciary Local Presidents and Representatives from OCA met on Thursday, December 7th in Albany.  Several topics important to members were discussed as follows:

TELECOMMUTING POLICYWe were very happy to learn that OCA has set up a management team to draft a pilot telecommuting policy.   CSEA had presented them with Executive branch telecommuting agreements as well as other proposals in the past that are being reviewed and considered.  We were notified that it could be a few months before a draft is ready, as the budget season begins in January and is a priority for UCS. OCA has agreed to sit down as soon as possible to discuss the program once they have completed their draft.  We are happy to see that the UCS sees the importance in having this option available for our members. We have also requested that OCA consider granting compressed work weeks and flex schedules while preparing their draft telecommuting program, in order to provide some flexibility for our members. Alternate work schedules like compressed workweeks will also provide some choices for job titles that may not lend themselves to telecommuting. Of course, we will update everyone once we have more to share on this important topic.

PAID PARENTAL LEAVEOCA’s requested budget that goes to the State Legislature and Governor is historically large.  Among the additional funding requested, is money to provide a Paid Parental Leave benefit to employees.  OCA and CSEA will sit down again in mid-December to negotiate a policy. Our hope is to have this policy negotiated and effective by April 2024. We will be requesting retroactivity similar to that in the Executive Branch agreement.

COMP TIME SETTLEMENTCSEA filed comp time grievances at the beginning of the COVID shut down of the courts and while the courts were virtual and not in person; CSEA was the only Court union to file such grievances.  Approximately 500 attestations were submitted to OCA, and they are in the final stages of review with regard to those attestations. OCA has indicated that some submissions included weekends and holidays and those discrepancies will need to be explained by the members. OCA is hopeful that this process will be completed in early 2024.  Though we do not have a definitive date as to when you can expect to see your comp time credited, we will let you know as soon as we do.  We appreciate your patience in this matter.


Open-filing for examination NYS Court Officer-Sergeant 55-833 began at 10 AM on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 and ends Wednesday, December 13, 2023.   The exam is scheduled to be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024. The examination application is available at The examination announcements and study material links are posted on the webpage. NYS Court Officer-Trainees are not qualified to take the Sergeant exam. However, should a Trainee anticipate appointment to the NYS Court Officer title on or before March 16, 2024, that Trainee should apply for the exam during the open-filing period as exam applications will not be accepted after December 13, 2023.

Applicant questions may be directed to .


Meeting links for the Court Recess Training will be sent on Friday, December 22nd  to the employee’s personal email address.

In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit which allows employees represented by CSEA to participate (from home), in Union sponsored training for up to two days during the court recess and receive paid leave without charge to personal accruals to cover the training. CSEA will offer morning and afternoon training on December 27 and 28, 2023 beginning at 9am, with a lunch break in between. If you wish to take advantage of this new benefit, you must provide a personal email as well as use your personal electronic device (not court equipment) to attend. You may attend one or both days of training. If your court/work location does not “officially” follow the court recess and you are not forced to take two days off during that week, you are still allowed to attend the CSEA trainings without charge to your personal accruals for those day/days, subject to manager’s approval. This benefit is only available to employees within the CSEA bargaining unit.

In order to participate please download the fillable form below, complete it and send it to by Wednesday, December 20, 2023. More information can also be found on the form.

Download the fillable registration form here.

Be sure to check your emails and receivers be sure to post and/or share all information. Note that if you have not received a personal email, CSEA does not have an address on file for you. You can fix that issue by contacting CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146.  We hope to see many of you take advantage of this great benefit that was negotiated for you during our last round of contract negotiations.


Lights on The Lake is New York’s premier drive-through holiday light show. Every year our brothers and sisters from CSEA Local 834 proudly setup and maintain two miles of breathtaking displays for all to enjoy.  Once again this year, CSEA Local 334 would like to offer our members complimentary passes to enjoy the display. We ask that you RSVP to and include your name, member # and mailing address by 12/16/22, one ticket per member please.  This year’s tickets will be good for one time use any night. Get yours while they are here, tickets are being distributed on a first come, first served basis.


Several of you have indicated in the last few weeks that you do not know your member numbers and/or have provided the Local with your EBF ID# when your member ID was necessary. Member ID’s generally begin with the 123 number series, EBF ID’s generally will begin with 055.  If you do not know your member number please contact CSEA member solutions at 1-(800)-342-4146.  If you do not know your EBF ID# please call CSEA EBF at 1-(518)-782-1500. Once you have those numbers, that are specific to you, I strongly encourage all members to download the MyCSEA app in order to always have your information at your fingertips. Links for apple and android are listed below.

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices



Open-filing for examination NYS Court Officer-Sergeant 55-833 begins 10 AM on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 and ends Wednesday, December 13, 2023.   The exam is scheduled to be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024. The examination application will be available at The examination announcements and study material links are posted on the webpage. NYS Court Officer-Trainees are not qualified to take the Sergeant exam. However, should a Trainee anticipate appointment to the NYS Court Officer title on or before March 16, 2024, that Trainee should apply for the exam during the open-filing period as exam applications will not be accepted after December 13, 2023.

Applicant questions may be directed to .


In the 2021-2026 contract, CSEA negotiated a new benefit which allows employees represented by CSEA to participate (from home), in Union sponsored training for up to two days during the court recess and receive paid leave without charge to personal accruals to cover the training. CSEA will offer morning and afternoon training on December 27 and 28, 2023 beginning at 9am, with a lunch break in between. If you wish to take advantage of this new benefit, you must provide a personal email as well as use your personal electronic device (not court equipment) to attend. You may attend one or both days of training. If your court/work location does not “officially” follow the court recess and you are not forced to take two days off during that week, you are still allowed to attend the CSEA trainings without charge to your personal accruals for those day/days, subject to manager’s approval.

In order to participate please download the fillable form below, complete it and send it to by Wednesday, December 20, 2023. More information can also be found on the form.

Download the fillable registration form here.

Be sure to check your emails and receivers be sure to post and/or share all information. Note that if you have not received a personal email, CSEA does not have an address on file for you. You can fix that issue by contacting CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146.  We hope to see many of you take advantage of this great benefit that was negotiated for you during our last round of contract negotiations.


This training is separate and apart from the Recess Virtual Training referenced above – Do not use the fillable registration form for these title specific trainings.

CSEA Judiciary Locals have arranged the winter recess Court Reporter training program again this year.  These trainings are for active CSEA members holding the title of Court Reporter. Members will be required to supply the following information with their RSVP: First Name, Last Name, Non-Work email address, CSEAID#, Work Location and which Class/Classes they would like to attend. If you do not know your CSEA ID# you can contact CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146 to obtain. Space is limited, please send an email to if interested prior to 12/1/23. Be advised, if you are scheduled to work during the dates of the classes, and your immediate supervisor cannot alter your schedule, you will not be able to attend. See the attached flyer for full details.


We are happy to share that two CSEA represented titles, Deputy Chief Clerk I and Court Interpreter, have been approved for reallocations.  Both titles, currently at a JG 18 will now be reallocated to JG 20.  A reallocation simply means a change in the title’s salary grade, not its duties.  It will not change your seniority, step placement or longevity, nor should there be any change in benefits.  These changes will go into effect this month.


CSEA Local Presidents had a meeting with OCA about the reallocation of the Court Clerk title series.  The review of these titles has been in the process for the last four years with Covid playing a big part in the delay. CSEA was instrumental in pushing for the review of these titles.   We were informed during last week’s meeting that OCA intends to reallocate these titles in the near future and to that end, will be putting in for the reallocation of these titles in their 2024 budget request.  Of course, this will be contingent on it passing through the legislative process.  The titles included in the proposed reallocation are Court Clerk and Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 18 would go to JG 20), Senior Court Clerk and Senior Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 21 would go to JG 22) and Associate Court Clerk and Associate Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 23 would go to JG 24).  There will be no change in the Principal Court Clerk grade.

We also mentioned again, during that meeting, that CSEA would like to see a review of other titles within our bargaining unit looked at.

We will keep you updated as information becomes available.


Lights on The Lake is New York’s premier drive-through holiday light show. Every year our brothers and sisters from CSEA Local 834 proudly setup and maintain two miles of breathtaking displays for all to enjoy.  Once again this year, CSEA Local 334 would like to offer our members complimentary passes to enjoy the display. We ask that you RSVP to and include your name, member # and mailing address by 12/16/22, one ticket per member please.  This year’s tickets will be good for one time use any night. Get yours while they are here, due to limited availability they will not last long and are being distributed on a first come, first served basis.



We are happy to share that two CSEA represented titles, Deputy Chief Clerk I and Court Interpreter, have been approved for reallocations.  Both titles, currently at a JG 18 will now be reallocated to JG 20.  A reallocation simply means a change in the title’s salary grade, not its duties.  It will not change your seniority, step placement or longevity, nor should there be any change in benefits.  These changes will go into effect this month.


Last week the CSEA Local Presidents had a meeting with OCA about the reallocation of the Court Clerk title series.  The review of these titles has been in the process for the last four years with Covid playing a big part in the delay. CSEA was instrumental in pushing for the review of these titles.   We were informed during last week’s meeting that OCA intends to reallocate these titles in the near future and to that end, will be putting in for the reallocation of these titles in their 2024 budget request.  Ofcourse, this will be contingent on it passing through the legislative process.  The titles included in the proposed reallocation are Court Clerk and Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 18 would go to JG 20), Senior Court Clerk and Senior Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 21 would go to JG 22) and Associate Court Clerk and Associate Surrogate Court Clerk (JG 23 would go to JG 24).  There will be no change in the Principal Court Clerk grade.

We also mentioned again, during that meeting, that CSEA would like to see a review of other titles within our bargaining unit looked at.

We will keep you updated as information becomes available.


Your CSEA Local Presidents are proud to announce that we are in the process of setting up online union training for December 27th and 28th that will be made available for you to attend if you so choose.  Per Section 9.2(k) of the contract, we have a side letter agreement with OCA which allows employees to attend union-sponsored training programs for up to two (2) days during the court recess.  Those who attend these virtual trainings shall not be required to charge leave credits for that day/days.  This means, instead of having to charge two annual leave days during the court recess, you will have the option to receive paid leave without charge to your personal leave credits for attendance at these trainings. You may attend one or both days of training.

If your court/work location does not “officially” follow the court recess and you are not forced to take two days off during that week, you are still allowed to attend the CSEA trainings without charge to your personal accruals for those day/days, subject to manager’s approval.

More details and sign up information will be coming to you from CSEA, Inc. after we finalize the programs to be offered, so be sure to check your emails and receivers be sure to post and/or share all information.  If CSEA does not have a personal email address on file for you, you may receive a paper copy with an electronic registration link.  We hope to see many of you take advantage of this great benefit that was negotiated for you during our last round of contract negotiations.


CSEA Judiciary Locals have arranged the winter recess training program again this year.  These trainings are for active CSEA members holding the title of Court Reporter. Members will be required to supply the following information with their RSVP: First Name, Last Name, Non-Work email address, CSEAID#, Work Location and which Class/Classes they would like to attend. If you do not know your CSEA ID# you can contact CSEA member solutions at 1-800-342-4146 to obtain. Space is limited, please send an email to if interested prior to 12/1/23. Be Advised, if you are scheduled to work during the dates of the classes, and your immediate supervisor cannot alter your schedule, you will not be able to attend. See the attached flyer for full details.






CSEA and OCA have come to a settlement agreement regarding our various outstanding grievances regarding virtual work. If you were asked to, and did in fact work virtually on December 17, 2020 when the courts were closed due to the weather, and/or if you were employed in the 4th JD (St. Lawrence County) and worked on 12/16 & 12/23/22 (inclement weather grievance) you may, if you so wish, complete the attached affirmation and send the completed form to

2023_Snowstorm Grievance affirmation



THIS IS ONLY FOR THE DATES OF DECEMBER 17, 2020 and DECEMBER 16 AND 23, 2022 (Franklin County). 

This will be the final disposition of virtual work grievances that were filed. E-signatures will be accepted.

After review by OCA of all affirmations submitted, compensatory time will then be granted for time worked to each individual employee eligible on a minute-for-minute basis.

New York voters have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day. Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register online to vote, here.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at Your vote is your voice!

2024 PEP ELECTION FORM – Please see the attached Productivity Enhancement Program election form. The deadline for submission is December 11th

2024 PEP Acknowledgement Form  2024 PEP Program Description and Questions and Answers 2024 PEP Election Form 

 ONLINE UNION ACCESS – Many of you have inquired recently regarding access to your respective CSEA ID numbers and/or EBF ID’s along with what benefits are available to you as a member. A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements.  You can find the app by visiting the Google play store or the App store on your iphone.  On the app you have direct access to all of your personal information as well as EBF benefits, member specific benefits for active CSEA members amongst various other information. All active members will be able to sign into the website directly through the app without entering a password.  I encourage every member to utilize the application in order to have all of your info in the palm of your hand. This version will also update a number of the tools and links available.   

My CSEA link for Apple devices

My CSEA link for Android devices

In addition to the MyCsea app, I encourage all members to create an account on the CSEA webpage here in order to stay up to date with news from our Statewide President, Mary Sullivan.  Additionally, don’t forget to visit our Local 334 website, there you will find digital copies of your CBA and extender agreement, as well as news and information direct from the Local.


The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was recently enacted by the Federal Government. The PFWA sets some terms and conditions the employer must follow, including making reasonable accommodations for a worker’s limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. This act would apply to members in Local and State Government as well as in the Private Sector. Please see the attached memo that contains important information about this act.

The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2023

REGION 5 CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT – CSEA Region 5 community outreach would like to invite all of you to its 1st annual Cornhole fundraiser competition on July 15th 2023! Doors will open at Noon and bags will fly at 1:00. See the attached flyer for details. To order shirts or sweatshirts scan the barcode on the reservation form. All proceeds to benefit the Special Olympics.

ENCHANTED FOREST WATER SAFARI – Saturday July 29th, 2023 – Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back! Reservations will be due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by July 15th. The event will be held in Old Forge on Saturday, July 29th. Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $55.99, children 3-7 pay $34.00 and children 2 and under are free. Admission includes entrance to the park and an all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30) and dinner (4:00-5:00). It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today! See the attached flyer for further information and reservations. If you are unable to join us we have a discount code, simply use EFWS901 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2023.

SYRACUSE METS – Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 – Order your tickets now for the Syracuse Mets vs. the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders game on Tuesday, September 19th, 6:35 p.m. at NBT Bank Stadium in Syracuse. We will be on the Party Deck and admission will include an all-you-can eat picnic from 6:35-8:30 p.m. and our own cash bar. Tickets will not be mailed and can be picked up at the Group Will Call, window #7 at the box office, between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. the evening of the event. Order your tickets today before they run out – limited seating! Reservations must be received by September 8th. See the attached flyer and registration form for further information.

Effective July 1st 2023 the Local will be removing all court system related emails from the current receiver list we send notices to. We will also be vetting the list for those who have opted out of or are not active CSEA members. If you would like to continue on as a receiver or if you would like to start assisting the Local as a new receiver, you must supply the Local with a personal email address and be a member in good standing with CSEA. Please email with a personal email address that can be utilized as soon as possible. When sending over your personal email please give your name, work location and Job title. Additionally, I want to remind everyone, that as a receiver you have agreed to disseminate these notices amongst your co-workers. This can be done through an email chain or a hardcopy, that can be posted on Union boards in your courthouses. Thank you all for your assistance and being ACTIVE members of YOUR Union, you are essential.



Thursday May 25, 2023 – We are looking forward to seeing those of you who RSVP’d for the Local 334 Dinner meeting at the Delta Lake Inn in Rome.  The address is 8524 Fish Hatchery Road, Rome, NY 13440. Doors will open at 5:30 and the meeting will start at 6:00.  CSEA member benefits and various vendors will be present. Vendor presentations at 6:00 and dinner to follow at 6:45.


CSEA Region 5 community outreach would like to invite all of you to its 1st annual Cornhole fundraiser competition on July 15th 2023!  Doors will open at Noon and bags will fly at 1:00.  See the attached flyer for details.


Saturday July 29th, 2023 – Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back! Reservations will be due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by July 15th.  The event will be held in Old Forge on Saturday, July 29th.  Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $55.99, children 3-7 pay $34.00 and children 2 and under are free.  Admission includes entrance to the park and an all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30) and dinner (4:00-5:00).  It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today!  See the attached flyer for further information and reservations. If you are unable to join us we have a discount code, simply use EFWS901 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2023.


Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 – Order your tickets now for the Syracuse Mets vs. the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders game on Tuesday, September 19th,  6:35 p.m. at NBT Bank Stadium in Syracuse.  We will be on the Party Deck and admission will include an all-you-can eat picnic from 6:35-8:30 p.m. and our own cash bar.  Tickets will not be mailed and can be picked up at the Group Will Call, window #7 at the box office, between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. the evening of the event.  Order your tickets today before they run out – limited seating!  Reservations must be received by September 8th.  See the attached flyer and registration form for further information.


As many of you have already noticed the retro uniform and blazer allowance were not paid in this weeks check as was stated by OCA at the time of ratification. Please be advised that due to a programming issue with OSC and the contractual requirement that the payments be made via separate check (not direct deposit), all retro for U & E and Blazer allowances will be paid in the separate checks that will be issued for the June payments on June 21st.


Please visit our website at to view the 2021 -2026 agreement which was recently uploaded. Hard copies of the contract are still in the process of being printed.  Once printed, each member will receive one at their mailing address on file with CSEA headquarters.



Tuesday May 23, 2023 – Local 334 will be doing a joint meeting with Local 335 at the New York Kitchen, 800 S. Main St. Canandaigua. Doors open at 5pm with vendors present at 6:00. There will be a presentation from the New York State retirement system as well.  RSVP 716-845-9390 or e-mail by 5/15

Thursday May 25, 2023 – Local 334 Dinner meeting at the Delta Lake Inn in Rome.  Address is 8524 Fish Hatchery Road, Rome, NY 13440. Doors open at 5:30 meeting will start at 6:00.  CSEA member benefits and various vendors will be present. Vendor presentations at 6:00 and dinner to follow at 6:45. RSVP by email to by 5/17.


Saturday July 29th, 2023 – Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back! Reservations will be  due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by July 15th.  The event will be held in Old Forge on Saturday, July 29th.  Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $55.99, children 3-7 pay $34.00 and children 2 and under are free.  Admission includes entrance to the park and an all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30) and dinner (4:00-5:00).  It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today!  See the attached flyer for further information and reservations. If you are unable to join us we have a discount code, simply use EFWS901 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2023.


Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 – Order your tickets now for the Syracuse Mets vs. the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders game on Tuesday, September 19th,  6:35 p.m. at NBT Bank Stadium in Syracuse.  We will be on the Party Deck and admission will include an all-you-can eat picnic from 6:35-8:30 p.m. and our own cash bar.  Tickets will not be mailed and can be picked up at the Group Will Call, window #7 at the box office, between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. the evening of the event.  Order your tickets today before they run out – limited seating!  Reservations must be received by September 8th.  See the attached flyer and registration form for further information.

PAYROLL Check Date 5/24/2023:

  • Retro uniform and blazer allowance, location pay and SOS, along with the annual increase applicable to these benefits [eff. April 1, 2023]





Tuesday May 23, 2023 – Local 334 will be doing a joint meeting with Local 335 at the New York Kitchen, 800 S. Main St. Canandaigua. Doors open at 5pm with vendors present at 6:00. There will be a presentation from the New York State retirement system as well.  RSVP 716-845-9390 or e-mail by 5/15

Thursday May 25, 2023 – Local 334 Dinner meeting at the Delta Lake Inn in Rome.  Address is 8524 Fish Hatchery Road, Rome, NY 13440. Doors open at 5:30 meeting will start at 6:00.  CSEA member benefits and various vendors will be present. Vendor presentations at 6:00 and dinner to follow at 6:45. RSVP by email to by 5/17.


Saturday July 29th, 2023 – Enchanted Forest Water Safari membership picnic is back! Reservations will be  due for Enchanted Forest/Water Safari Local 334 Day by July 15th.  The event will be held in Old Forge on Saturday, July 29th.  Members attend free, guests 8+ pay $48.50, children 3-7 pay $29.50 and children 2 and under are free.  Admission includes entrance to the park and an all-you-can-eat lunch (11:30-12:30) and dinner (4:00-5:00).  It’s always a great time, so get your reservations in today!  See the attached flyer for further information and reservations. If you are unable to join us we have a discount code, simply use EFWS901 at checkout for your member only discount – code valid for purchases after May 15th, 2023.


Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 – Order your tickets now for the Syracuse Mets vs. the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders game on Tuesday, September 19th,  6:35 p.m. at NBT Bank Stadium in Syracuse.  We will be on the Party Deck and admission will include an all-you-can eat picnic from 6:35-8:30 p.m. and our own cash bar.  Tickets will not be mailed and can be picked up at the Group Will Call, window #7 at the box office, between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. the evening of the event.  Order your tickets today before they run out – limited seating!  Reservations must be received by September 8th.  See the attached flyer and registration form for further information.

PAYROLL Check Date 5/24/2023:

  • Retro uniform and blazer allowance, location pay and SOS, along with the annual increase applicable to these benefits [eff. April 1, 2023]



© 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE