CSEA Contract Ratification Meeting 2019
Region 4 Information Day
2016 Daniel X Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Strike-Out Cancer Fundraiser

Great Escape Day 2016
Extended sales until Wednesday August 3rd at Noon!

CSEA Local 694 Scholarship Application and information 2016

February Update 2/6/2016
Ballots have been mailed to members to vote for our CSEA Statewide Officers. Please follow the instructions very carefully and return your ballot as soon as possible. Ballots must be received by 8:00 a.m. on February 10, 2016 in order to be counted.
The Governor has asked in his proposed budget to change the contribution amount for some retirees for health insurance premiums. See the flyer for complete information. Obviously, CSEA is strongly opposed to this change and will fight to defeat it.
Every Friday, CSEA emails a short summary of what has transpired in Albany during that week, with important updates for our members on legislative and political issues that may affect each one of us (such as the Governor’s proposal to change retiree health premium contributions). Here is a TWIA Sign-up to receive these e-mails, “This Week in Albany,” TWIA. You can enroll online at, under the “Legislative & Political Action” section, or complete the form and email to our CSEA Capital Region Political Action Coordinator Bryan Miller at As State employees, it is imperative that you keep informed of issues that may affect you!
AFSCME Phone Calls Memo from CSEA President Danny Donohue regarding AFSCME phone calls to our members’ home numbers for the purpose of updating members on the Friedrichs case pending at the Supreme Court and to update member information.
Incidents of employees swiping out at the end of their shift and then going back to work continue to be reported. Remember, not only is it inappropriate to swipe out and then continue working, there could also be consequences from UCS for doing so. No one should be continuing to work after swiping out.
All Local Officers’ contact information is available on our web site,, under Locals, Local 694, “Contact.”
Every CSEA Membership Number begins with “123.” If you do not know your membership number, you may obtain it through the CSEA web site,, by clicking on “Look up your CSEA ID” at the top of the home page.
MetLife/Flaumenbaum/Pearl Carroll Scholarship Application link will provide information for the MetLife/Flaumenbaum/Pearl Carroll Scholarship program. Note the application deadline of April 15th for the Flaumenbaum application.
Please distribute in your work place/to your co-workers. Thank you.
CSEA members that report for Jury Duty have the option to return to work after fulfilling their duties as a juror for the day. There should be no charges to a member’s accruals if they choose not to return to work on a jury duty day.
There have been numerous questions regarding the Longevity Payments that will begin in April of 2016. Longevity Payments are based on years past Maximum on the salary schedules. Under our current contract, if you have completed four years past Max as of April 1st of 2016, you will be entitled to a Longevity Payment of $2,250 each year. If you have completed eight years past Max as of April 1st of 2016, you will be entitled to a Longevity Payment of $4,600 each year. If you have completed 13 years past Max as of April 1st, 2016, you will be entitled to a Longevity Payment of $6,900 each year. Other requirements to receiving a Longevity Payment are: having worked 120 workdays within the fiscal year and receiving a performance rating higher than unsatisfactory. Longevity Payments are not added to base pay but are pensionable. Longevity payments are pro-rated for employees working less than full time.
Regarding promotions and Longevity Payments, if you are at or above Max in your present position and promote and remain at or above Max in the new position, you are entitled to take your years of service credit for Longevity Payment purposes with you to the new promotional position.
Longevity Increments cease to exist as of April 1st, 2016, which is the reason that they are no longer listed in the 2016 salary schedule. While they are no longer listed in the salary schedule for April 1st, 2016, no member will lose an increment that they have already received prior to that date. (Do not confuse the Longevity Increments with the new Longevity Payments that begin in April 2016.)
Physician office visit and prescription drug co-pays are reimbursable up to a maximum of $325 annually by submitting appropriate documentation and application to EBF. Reimbursement applications for 2015 will be accepted through March 31, 2016. Please read the guidelines carefully for acceptable forms of co-pay reimbursement documentation.
Reminder – there are many more items you may qualify for. Examples: purchasing a home or having baby. Please check the website at and be sure to look under UCS Employees.

(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Administration, March 19, 2018)
CSEA recently received new Cancer Screening Policy language from OCA (see below). In addition to the information provided, please note that the Cancer Screening Leave must be pre-approved and employees must provide documentation to substantiate their absence for cancer screening upon return to work.
“Currently, Civil Service Law provides for 4 hours of paid leave, without charge to leave credits, for New York State employees to undergo breast and/or prostate cancer screenings. Effective March 18, 2018, the specific references in the law to ‘breast’ and ‘prostate’ are replaced with ‘cancer’ screening, generally.
“This change in law broadens the scope of the existing Court System leave benefit by covering all cancer screenings. The Court System will continue to provide employees with up to 4 hours of paid leave to undergo screening for breast and/or prostate cancer. This means that employees will be entitled to up to 12 hours of paid leave annually to undergo cancer screenings – 4 hours for breast cancer, 4 hours for prostate cancer and 4 hours for any other type(s) of cancer. Part-time employees are also entitled to 4 hours of paid leave for each type of screening. Travel time is included in the 4 hours. Any absence beyond the 4-hour maximum must be charged to the employee’s leave credits.
“Leave for cancer screenings is provided on an annual basis and does not carry over from one calendar year to the next. However, the 4 hours may be used all at once or in increments over the course of the year. For example, if an employee uses 2 hours of paid leave to undergo breast cancer screening and the employee’s doctor requires the employee to undergo further screening/testing in the same year, the employee is entitled to 2 more hours of paid leave for this purpose. Employees who undergo cancer screenings outside their regular work hours do so on their own time and are not entitled to receive compensatory time.
You and your family members are eligible to earn a free – yes, free – two-year degree through AFSCME. This program is continually changing and updating, with more online degrees being offered. See the attached flyer for further information and eligibility requirements.
Longevity and Percentage increases
(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Admin., March 15, 2018)
The 2018 n egotiated 2% pay increases will be paid out beginning in the May 2nd, 2018 paycheck. Those eligible for Longevity Payments will also see that payment reflected in the May 2nd paycheck.
MEMBER Only Benefit – Shopping Discounts
The CSEA executive branch contract was overwhelmingly ratified with a 94 percent yes vote on August 8th.
Judiciary employees are covered by the health insurance negotiated by the executive branch. The health insurance changes will go into effect 1/1/19 are posted on the judiciary website at for your perusal.
Correction: DATE Change
The 2 percent raise effective 4/1/17 will be retroactively paid in the 10/4/17 paycheck.
PAYCHECK/TAX INFORMATION: Paycheck date: October 4, 2017 Taxes: The retroactive raises will be included in your regular paycheck. The retroactive payments are considered supplemental wages and will be taxed using the Supplemental Aggregate Method. Employees wishing to change their tax exemptions must submit completed tax forms between the dates of August 10 – August 23, for their 9/6 paycheck to be affected. Tax Forms are available on DFM’s webpage: Forms may be sent to
2017-2020 CSEA-UCS Contract Ratifies
(Kathy Guild, Dep. Director of Contract Administration, July 24, 2017)
The CSEA-UCS contract was overwhelmingly ratified today by an 8 to 1 ratio, with a total of approximately 50% turnout. There were 2,122 yes votes (88%) and 285 no votes (12%). Your CSEA Negotiating team thanks you for the tremendous voter response and are grateful that the proposed contract was well received. The terms of the contract are effective immediately.

Update on taxation of State Supplemental Payments – Tuesday, June 13, 2017
The New York state comptroller’s office was recently informed of an Internal Revenue Service ruling which requires Supplemental wage payments including longevity payments, call out bonus, tool allowance, hazardous duty pay, back pay, retroactive wage increases, awards, uniform allowance, unused vacation accruals lump sum, salary deferral lump sum, standby, intermittent inconvenience, step 3 out-of-title grievance payments, and any other payment that is above regular wages, to be processed with a higher withholding rate than regular wages.
Under the regulations, employers have the option to withhold a flat rate of 25% on supplemental wages or use a more complex aggregate method for calculating the withholding that combines regular and supplemental wages according to what you entered on your W-4 for withholding allowances and additional withholding amounts.
To be in full compliance with these IRS rules, the State’s Comptroller’s Office initially determined to use the flat rate 25% method, starting with the April 2017 Longevity Payments. In response to strong objections by CSEA, and after further research by CSEA, the state comptroller has determined that the aggregate method will be used to determine the proper amount of withholding to be taken out of supplemental payments. This method is more beneficial to our members than using the flat 25% rate. However, even with the aggregate method, the withholding will still be significantly more than what has been withheld in the past.
It is important to note that regardless of the tax withholding method used on supplemental payments, an individual’s tax liability is the same at the end of the year. Taxes withheld over and above what a person owes will be refunded when you file your tax returns.
In the meantime an individual can always change their withholding amounts and their claimed withholding allowances on their W-4 prior to the supplemental payments in order to realize more money in the supplemental check. An individual can change their withholding amounts and their withholding allowances as many times as they desire throughout the year in order to capture more money in any supplemental check.
If you have any questions please contact State Operations at (518) 257-1213.
Mary E. Sullivan, Acting President

(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Administration, May 17, 2017)
CSEA has reached a tentative agreement with the New York State Office of Court Administration on a new contract covering more than 5,500 non-judicial employees in the state’s Unified Court System. The tentative agreement will be effective retroactively from April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2020.
CSEA and the Unified Court System have reached a fair and responsible agreement that recognizes the value and importance of the court employees who make the system work every day.
The three-year agreement retroactive to April 1, 2017 includes salary increases in every year of the agreement, improved downstate and Mid-Hudson Valley location pay, improved payments to the Employee Benefit Fund and a new Welfare Fund program.
Across-the-board cost of living adjustments are as follows: April 1, 2017 – 2 percent(retroactive); April 1, 2018 – 2 percent; and April 1, 2019 – 2 percent.
Additional details about the agreement will be posted shortly on the CSEA Judiciary website,, and the CSEA website, The agreement will be presented to the CSEA rank and file members for review and ratification in the weeks ahead. It must also be approved by the state legislature and signed by the governor.
A Contract RATIFICATION and highlight meeting is being scheduled and details will be sent soon.
Very important information, please share with co-workers and watch for updates as to what CSEA is doing regarding this change at
As you will see below, there was and will be a substantial increase in the taxes taken out of the signing bonus, uniform and equipment allowance, and the longevity payments.
Tax withholding for recent Longevity Payments
OSC changed the income tax withholding methodology for all supplemental wages to be in compliance with Internal Revenue Service requirements. Supplemental wages, which include longevity payments, are typically one-time or once a year payments and are not considered regular wages.
Income taxes for supplemental wages are withheld at a Supplemental Flat Rate (Federal 25% and State 9.62%). Under this method, withholding allowances claimed by the employee are disregarded. The flat tax method does not change what you will owe in income taxes for the tax year. Also, taxes withheld over and above what you owe for the tax year will be refunded.
In 2016, OSC taxed some wages using the Supplemental Flat Rate, but not others. In 2017, OSC changed the tax withholding methodology to be consistent, ensuring that all non-regular wages be taxed using the Supplemental method.
Regarding the recent Longevity Payments, on March 10, 2017 in Payroll Bulletins 1551 (CSEA) and 1552 (PEF) and at the Payroll Users Group for agency payroll officers on March 2, 2017, OSC notified and emphasized to all State agencies that the Supplemental Flat Rate withholding method will be used.
This change brings the State into compliance with IRS requirements. It is consistent with the practices of other States and Municipalities.
If you see the logo “New Yorkers Against Corruption” this is the union’s movement. We can’t use the CSEA logo or any other union logo so this is what the movement to vote no will be called. If you see this logo, know that your union is hard at work getting the message out to vote “NO” to the constitutional convention in an effort to protect our pensions and other rights.
2017 Dan Campbell Memorial Scholarship
2017 – CSEA Local Election Information
Please click on the link above to get all the details and dates regarding the 2017 CSEA Local Elections.

PCO Test Preparation Workshop Date Added
Due to popularity, an additional workshop to prepare for the NYS Professional Career Opportunities (PCO) exam has been added.
Date: Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and 30, 2017
Location: New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (please arrive by 5:30 on the first night for registration)
Cost: CSEA Members: $15.75 / Non-members: $31.50
Please prepay by March 27th.
Register online at:
You can pay with a credit or debit card, but ONLY if you register online.
If you prefer to register by phone, please know that we cannot accept credit cards and you will have to mail in a check or money order.
Call the CSEA WORK Institute at 1-866-478-5548 or (518) 782-4427*
*If you are a CSEA member, we will need your CSEA ID # for the member discounted price. After registration, you will receive information regarding payment.
No refunds will be given unless class is cancelled.
Can’t make it on this date and time? Check out OUR ONLINE TRAINING Courses. TRY A FREE DEMO AT:
(Kathy Guild, CSEA Dep. Director of Contract Administration)
CSEA and UCS met on March 1, 2017 and March 2, 2017 for the first round of contract negotiations. The current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires on March 31, 2017. All increments, longevity payments, uniform and equipment allowance payments, health insurance and dental and vision benefits will continue to be paid per the Triborough Amendment until a successor Agreement is agreed to and ratified by the membership.
Both sides exchanged initial proposals and discussed the issues that the CSEA UCS members told us were important to them in the contract survey. It was a productive session and both sides agreed to go back and work on some language to be discussed at the next round.
The next session will be held on March 14, 2017 and March 15, 2017 with additional sessions planned in April and May. We will continue to keep you updated as we go through the negotiations process.
UCS has clarified that those eligible for an “end of contract” $750 Lump Sum payment should see that paid out in the April 19th paycheck. Employees on payroll in active status as of March 31, 2017 are eligible for the one-time Lump Sum $750 payment, which is not part of basic salary but is pensionable.
Longevity Payments and those eligible for Increments will see those in the May 3rd paycheck.
A reminder to submit your CSEA EBF co-pay reimbursement form by the deadline of March 31st, 2017.
Form can be found at
Attached is the scholarship application and information for the Flaumenbaum Scholarship program. The application for the Flaumenbaum scholarship will automatically enter the applicant for three different scholarships (see the attached flyer).
Please note the application deadline of April 15th for the Flaumenbaum application.
Compensatory Time Off —— updated 2/27/2017
This is in response to CSEA’s request regarding Section 10.9, Compensatory Time Off, of the 2011-2017collective Agreement between the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (“Association”) and the Unified Court System (“State”).
During the triborough period, the State will not end the compensatory time option for hours worked between 35 and 40 hours. We will defer the matter for further discussion at negotiations for a successor agreement to the 2011-2017 Agreement.
Very truly yours,
Lauren DeSole
Subject: Rx Co-Pay assistance
We’ve been hearing some complaints about how difficult it is for UCS employees to get access to CDPHP EoBs so they can properly submit for co-pay reimbursements. I have directed that a tool be developed to help our members. Feel free to share this tool that can be found on our website. The direct address for the tool is It can also be found by going to our EBF website and getting in to the FAQ section. There is a question there that will redirect to this same link. Feel free to share this information with all members and officers.
Bill Howard
CSEA Employee Benefit Fund
1 Lear Jet Lane, Suite 1
Latham, NY 12110
518-782-1500 ///

A reminder to submit your EBF reimbursement form once you have reached a combined co-pay amount of $325 for physician visit and prescription co-pays OR on/after December 31st. Applications are accepted for 2016 reimbursement through March 31st, 2017. See the attached guidelines and pay particular attention to what proof of co-pays are accepted, i.e., Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for Physician co-pays and pharmacy printouts for Prescription co-pays.
On behalf of our Local Executive Board, we wish you well in retirement and remind you to fill out the CSEA Retiree Membership form, to remain a CSEA member in retirement. As a Local we offer to pay the first year of retiree dues. Please contact an officer to apply for this benefit.
The 2017 CSEA-UCS Contract Negotiations Survey is now available and can be accessed at the following link: Please complete by survey by December 30th so that the results can be tabulated prior to your Negotiating team meeting in January.
NOTE: The survey is only available to CSEA Judiciary members. You must provide your CSEA Membership ID Number to gain access to the survey. If you need to find your number, go to the CSEA, Inc. web site,, and obtain your ID number from there (on the Home Page, upper right-hand corner). The survey is short and provides you with an opportunity to be heard regarding our upcoming contract negotiations and what issues are of importance to you. Please spread the word to your co-workers and take the time to complete the survey.
On behalf of your Local 694 Executive Board, we wish you a wonderful holiday and all the best in the New Year!
Our current contract expires March 31, 2017
Your negotiation team has already been appointed and will begin working on delivering a fair contract for all of our members. The first step in that process is hearing from you. To that end we are strongly encouraging all CSEA members please go to the CSEA website at and complete the online survey to tell us what is important to you in the upcoming contract.
You must provide your CSEA Membership ID Number to gain access to the survey. If you need to find your number, go to the CSEA, Inc. web site,, and obtain your ID number from there (on the Home Page, upper right-hand corner). The survey is short and provides you with an opportunity to be heard regarding our upcoming contract negotiations and what issues are of importance to you. Please spread the word to your co-workers and take the time to complete the survey.
If you do not have access to fill out the online survey, please contact me via email or telephone to request your survey be mailed to you.
Your team will work as diligently as possible to obtain a contract you can be proud of.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
Nicole Ventresca-Cohen, President
518-528-2213 or
Your negotiating team:
Kathy Guild, CSEA Deputy Director of Contract Administration
Don Lynskey, chair
Vinnie Martusciello
Nicole Ventresca-Cohen
Bob Pazik
Kevin Mahler
Scott Gartland
Diane Hansen
© 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE