Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last week the Court System issued a memorandum giving an update regarding its ongoing response and guidance related to the COVID-19 (the Novel Coronavirus). Please refer to that memo for guidance related to leave in the event of isolation, quarantine, or home self-monitoring. This memo has expanded Section 9.5(d) Leave for Quarantine of our contract.
Section 9.5(d) Leave for Quarantine. If an employee who is not ill himself/herself is required to remain absent because of quarantine and presents a written statement of the attending physician or local health officer proving the necessity of such absence, he/she shall be granted leave with pay for the period of his/her required absence, without charge against accumulated sick leave, annual leave or overtime credits. Prior to return to duty, such employee may be required to submit a written statement from the local health officer having jurisdiction that his/her return to duty will not jeopardize the health of other employees.
Our office was notified yesterday morning about an attorney who appeared in Westchester County’s Matrimonial Part and in the Westchester County Family Court annex has tested positive for the coronavirus. It has been conveyed to us that all individuals who the Court System is aware may have been in contact with this attorney have already been contacted and advised to consult with medical professionals. We have stressed to the OCA that proper disinfection of the areas where the individual may have occupied is of the utmost importance. At this point we are unaware of any events in the 3rd JD or with MHLS. Our members and their families health and safety are our primary concern.
Please be guided by the facts on the virus and not media hysteria. While this is a serious matter, be assured that your concerns are being addressed with the NYS Office of Court Administration. We have been in contact with the Ninth Judicial District Court Employee Association during this situation and are working together to get the correct information out to our members. At this time we are waiting for further updates from the districts as to any responses that may take place with regard to any transmission of the COVID 19 Virus. As this information becomes available we will keep you posted. Please refer to our facebook page for further updates.
Please continue to exercise the safe practices recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH). Wash hands often for 20 seconds. Stay at home if you have flu-like systems. Maintain social distancing as much as possible. For further information on the virus CSEA has created a web site specifically dealing with Coronavirus and how it may impact you as workers. We are updating this site on a regular basis as the situation changes throughout our state. For the latest information, please visit our page at:
Your Safety and Health are our concern. Stay safe, use common sense, if you have any questions as always feel free to email, or call, 845-798-6182.
In Solidarity,
Kevin Mahler
2020 Scholarships for Members Children/Dependants
CSEA Local 1000 and CSEA Local 332 Scholarships
CSEA offers several scholarships for High School Seniors entering in to college for 2020 Fall Semester.
Below is the link for CSEA Local 332 Scholarships.
Local 332 offers Three (3) $500.00 Scholarships to active Local 332 members children/Dependents
who are entering into college this fall.
Application must be post marked by April 28, 2020
CSEA Local 332 2020 Scholarship
Eligible dependents of our members are eligible to apply for scholarships through CSEA and AFSCME.
CSEA awards 24 $1,000 scholarships to our members’ eligible dependents annually, along with two $2,500 scholarships. AFSCME awards one $5,000 scholarship annually, along with 10, $2,000 scholarships, to eligible dependents of members. Other scholarships are also available through Union Plus, CSEA regions, locals and units and many AFSCME affiliates.

CSEA Scholarships
CSEA awards 24 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship and Thomas H. McDonough programs. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award.
Applications are available in mid-February from Unit and Local Presidents, and available for download on January 31. Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships. Application deadline is April 15.
PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised.
Winners of the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship are eligible to apply for the Thomas H. McDonough Scholarship. Applications are automatically mailed to eligible students in late August. For more information, call 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1341.
CSEA offers a special scholarship program, the J. J. Kelly Memorial Scholarship Fund, for children of members killed or totally disabled in the course of performing their public service duties, or who died while an active CSEA member. For more information on applying for this scholarship, contact CSEA at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1341. The application deadline is October 1.
Judiciary Members Overwhelmingly Ratify Contract Extension
(Susan Radosh, CSEA Dep. Director of State Operations, July 29, 2019)
CSEA Judiciary members across the state overwhelmingly ratified a one-year contract extension with the Unified Court System. The contract extension runs from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. Extension highlights include annual salary schedule increase for all employees in the unit, increases to longevity payments, location pay increases, Security and Law Enforcement Differential (SLED) payment increases and an increase in Family Sick Leave, line of duty leave, bereavement leave, increased contribution to the Employee Benefit Fund and more. (See the link below for Highlight Sheet)
Barbecue Info
Local 332
We have set the date for our Annual Barbecue.
September 14th 2019 @ Thomas Bull Memorial Park in Montgomery NY.
For more info
Court Clerk & Senior Court Clerk Exam Study Classes
We have arranged through the group that puts on classes in NYC to study for the upcoming Court Clerk and Senior Court Clerk exam a discounted rate and a closer location.
As a CSEA Member the cost will be $350.00.
The class will be held in CSEA Region 3 Office on Beacon, NY on weekends it will be a video of class which is held in Queens, along with all material and an onsite facilitator to answer questions.
We need 40 people in an effort to make this happen. If you are interested please make checks payable to:
CSEA Local 332
Mail checks to:
CSEA Local 332
P.O. Box 102
Mountain Dale, NY 12763
Make sure they are received prior to January 15th.
If you have any questions feel free to call or email me 845-798-6182 or email

We would like to once again welcome you and your families on Saturday, September 8th from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Group Picnic Area in Thomas Bull Memorial Park,
211 Route 416 Campbell Hall, New York 10916 for our 6th Annual Barbecue.
Local 332 members and their children under sixteen (16) may attend for FREE! (rsvp required)
$10.00 for any non-members. (Sorry, no pet family members allowed). Please stop at the information table for your member GIFT. We will be offering 50/50 tickets and raffles for sale to support your Local’s Scholarship program. There will be great prizes that you must be present to win. Member benefit representatives will be present to answer questions from departments like the Employee Benefit Fund, Pearl Carroll Insurance, Deferred Compensation and more.
Our caterer this year will be serving hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, pulled pork, cornbread and much more. A special ice cream treat is planned for young and old. Also, beer, wine, soda, water and coffee are ALL INCLUDED.
We want to show appreciation to our members for their service. This location will have bouncy houses and a children’s playground. Also for kids, we’ll offer coloring stations, Tic Tac Toe Bean Bag Toss, Horse Shoes, Temporary Tattoos and Sack Races (for young and old)! There will be music entertainment by DiiJay Flow (he’s back!) and sports fields for a pickup game of soccer or softball (bring your own equipment please), so let’s play!!!
How do you get in on this great event? To keep costs in line you must RSVP by August 30th with check payable to CSEA Judiciary Local 332, which you can mail to Judiciary Local 332, P.O. Box 102, Mountain Dale, NY 12763 OR see any Officer or committee member listed here!
Rockland/Orange: Kathy Wills (914) 213-3771
Dutchess/Putnam: Lori Conners (845) 527-6701
Ulster: Jeff Boos (845) 800-0413
Edwin Rodriguez (845) 428-2232
Sullivan/Orange: Kevin Mahler (845) 798-6182 George Laraia (845) 798-6183
2018 Scholarship Announcement
Please submit a completed application for your graduating High School Senior. The criteria considered for these scholarships is academic and personal achievement as well as the essay submitted.
PLEASE NOTE that the parent, guardian or custodian (custodial verification may be required) of the applying student MUST be a current member in good standing of CSEA’s LOCAL 332.
Our local will be awarding two separate $500.00 SCHOLARSHIPS.
Please submit completed applications with transcripts as indicated ON OR BEFORE APRIL 25, 2018. Click HERE for Application.
Best wishes and good luck to all our children as they move on to higher education or vocational training and bright futures.
2018 Senior Court Clerk/Court Clerk Exam Study Classes Schedule
We are pleased to announce Court Clerk/Senior Court Clerk test review classes have been scheduled!
We are very grateful to our legal professionals who have volunteered their time to review the sections listed here with our members working to promote within the Unified Court System.
Location and dates are listed below along with our presenter and the material to be covered. Please review the scheduled material before the class to gain the most benefit in the time allotted. Sessions may be videotaped. A light meal will be served at 5:45 p.m. RSVPs for food and space are required within 48 hours of EACH class. Please contact Lori Conners at
We encourage attendees to bring their laptops or tablets to access the subject statutes through the UCS ELibrary link, and study materials in our collection at
Classes will be held at CSEA Region 3 Offices located at 568 NY-52, Beacon on:
FAMILY COURT ACT Articles 10, 10A by Meryl Guzman, Esq. and Lisa Rubenstein, Esq.
March 15, 2018, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Classes will be held at CSEA Local 836 Offices located at 465 E. Main Street, Middletown on:
February 6, 2018, Tuesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
February 27, 2018, Tuesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
March 6, 2018, Tuesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
DOMESTIC RELATIONS LAW (DRL) Article 5-A by Amy Baldwin-Littman, Esq.
March 21, 2018, Wednesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
UNIFORM RULES for NYS TRIAL COURTS by Claire Sullivan, Esq.
March 1, 2018, Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Class will be held at Starr Library Community Room, 68 W Market St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572, Rhinebeck on:
FAMILY COURT ACT and PENAL LAW by Sarah Rakov, Esq.
February 1, 2018, Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
March 8, 2018, Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
March 22, 2018, Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
VEHICLE and TRAFFIC LAW by Linda Murray, Esq.
March 20, 2018, Tuesday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
2018 Senior Court Clerk/Court Clerk Exam
Classes have been scheduled! We are finalizing details with our Presenters and will post a schedule. Many thanks to our professional coworkers for volunteering for our exam preparation classes.
Did you know….
Your Local has a Facebook page! We are really working hard to get information out to you quickly and in a way that you will easily access it. Please look up our page and LIKE it! We welcome participation and appropriate comments!
Also, does your executive board have your personal (non-work) email address? Sometimes we are hard pressed to get announcements and information out to you in the five (5) counties we represent. Please email you President, or any other Board Member with your address so we can add you to the broadcast emails for YOUR Local ONLY. These email addresses go no farther than your 400+ member Local.
Don’t miss out on upcoming announcements regarding impending contract negotiations, benefit changes or PERKS!
© 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE